Travel is an Investment

Someone whom I’ve always looked up too, who is now on the ultimate journey, always said travel was an investment. I’ve always taken those words to heart and do so every opportunity afforded to me. I literally am ready to leave on a moment’s notice. I will drop everything.. Funny bc I was just thinking of him today and all he had taught me and this meme popped up… Thanks Ted, I don’t think you ever realized it… but I was listening and hanging onto every word you had ever spoken..

Lesson for you, if you choose to listen. Be mindful of the energies you put out into the Universe….it can never be taken back once sent..There is no abort button. Remember, people are listening to and watching your life movie as it unfolds as well…Just as I did Ted’s, unbeknownst to him. Be sure to give the best show and best performance you possibly can. After all, this is your work. Don’t you want it to be the best? Always remember YOU control and write the storyline of your life, noone else can do it for you, noone. . Would you really want anyone else but you to have that job anyway!