Building a dB Using Memento < 5 Minutes

Building a Database using the memento app on my android phone…. it’s synced to Google Sheets. They also have a Windows Version that syncs with the mobile app…

How I Use Airtable to Manage and Write about my Travels

I use airtable for a lot of things…. today I’m giving you an overview of how I use it to manage my travel. I use it for research, reviews , where I’ve been and where I want to go. I also use it as a scrapbook to keep memories, etc. This makes it a lot…

How to Redeem Facebook Viewpoint Points for Cash

Facebook Viewpoints is an excellent way to get your share of some easy hustle money. The latest project was spread out over 10 days. You checked in with the app everytime you switched locations. There were a few days that I didn’t even leave the house, I checked in anyway and they accepted it. It’s…

Demo of How I Use Memento and Google Sheets

I love details. The answers are always in the details. For the past several years I have been keeping track of my sleep and dreams… Why? Because it helps me to figure myself out… I look for patterns and cross reference with my thought and daily journals… Plus, it just helps me to cope with…

Pretty Links Review

I’ve been using Pretty Links for years and am getting ready to purchase the paid version. Before I do so, i thought I would go over some of the things I like about it and how it helps my business. Then later, I will review the paid version and let you know what I think…

Doomed Pocket City – Simulation

I’ve really enjoyed this game but I’m not going to be able to save this city. I tried to grow too fast by buying too much land when the prices were the highest. It’d be neat if you could exchange cities and let someone have it… maybe they could bring it back to life… I’m…

Facebook Viewpoints Project

I downloaded the Facebook  Viewpoints app and mostly forgot about it until I received an email from them that a project was available.. It happened a couple of weeks after I installed the app.. I got kind of discouraged, because when I first installed it there was nothing available.. The project I’m working on is…

Today’s Lesson – SEO vs Social Media Marketing

Today’s Lesson SEO and Quora marketing have staying power…. and it’s possible to get results for years to come if done properly.. On the flip side, social media marketing has a very short half life… and users often have short attention spans.. For example, I was searching for something on Google and a news article…

Thought – Nelson Sullivan Visits Atlanta

Mon May 10, 2021 13:49 — I have been reading through my thought journal from May of 2019. I love doing that, especially when I’m depressed. I’m not sure why that is, but I love looking to see what I was doing, thinking and feeling at any given point in my life. Anyway, I had…

I just Watched “Chapters – Cicero M. Fain III” on YouTube

His book is on Amazon. I just read a sample on the kindle app… It’s been added to my “to read” list.. Cicero Fain is a Huntington native, historian, and professor of History. His first book, “Black Huntington – An Appalachian Story,” illuminates the unique cultural identity and dynamic sense of accomplishment and purpose that…