I Just Watched “What Went Wrong in Chicago? America’s Most Segregated City (Poverty Documentary) | Real Stories” on YouTube

I hate to see people suffer. I almost stopped watching it but I thought it was important for me to be aware. I’ve watched some older documentaries on Chicago in the past.

A couple of the people interviewed were asked where they thought they’d be in five years. One of them said he’d be lucky to still be alive, another person said he didn’t even want to be alive by then. I watched a news special awhile back ago, filmed in the 70’s, where people had said the same thing.

It’s heartbreaking to think that people don’t have anything to look forward to in life and every day is a struggle for them. It really really bothers me.

Why must people suffer? Why does life for some people have to be a daily struggle? I swear, I really would not want to do this life over again.. it’s almost unbearable sometimes seeing how some people treat their fellow humans.