I Just Watched “Why Covid Patients Could Face A Lifetime Of Money Problems” on YouTube

This is from a Canadian perspective…. I love watching world news, documentaries or other media from places outside the US… It’s interesting to see how others view us. It’s so easy to find yourself living in an ethnocentric bubble. I’m not saying our system is right or wrong… I just think we need to have an open mind….

Is it socially acceptable that if you are not a member of the world’s gentry class or higher, that you will be denied access to health care? After all, isn’t a healthy population good for business? It’s a lot harder to sell something when your fellow citizens are struggling with health issues…. some even having to choose between medicine and food.

I remember taking a personal finance class and not once was health care mentioned…. It wasn’t discussed in the book nor did the instructor talk about it. I would definitely have remembered, I hung on to his every word. I was too shy to ask questions in his class, so I’d go to his office afterwards and ask them… He never complained. My point is, when you have an interest in a subject, you typically have an easier time remembering it.

But anyway, I think it’s important to know how this stuff works… it’s just something that isn’t taught. Hell, how money actually works isn’t even tought… I know it’s intentional to keep everyone as ignorant as possible… Not everyone can be dedicated to a life of entrepreneurship…. or is lucky to be a member of a class of citizens where such matters aren’t given a second thought.

We are not usually taught finance or economics in grade school. There is a reason for that… The economy would collapse… the world needs worker bees and drones who don’t ask any questions and only do as their told … So because of this we are kept ignorant.

Typically, at least during my tenure in school, we are tought to consume, nothing else.What do you think? What were your experiences regarding money and finance during your years of schooling? Let me know in the comments section.