I’m Watching “1988 SPECIAL REPORT: “NYC AIDS ALLEY”” on YouTube

I’m watching a YouTube video about AIDS in NYC… There are talking primarily about drug users contracting the disease. The journalist interviewing seemed to be judgemental and looked down on the people struggling. He interviewed a person who gave away needles…. He argued that it wasn’t the right thing to do…. She replied by reminding him that they are humans…. and they would end up sharing dirty needles which ends up affecting everyone else in the end.

It was heart breaking to see people struggle with this. They interviewed several nurses in a maternity ward. One of them said she tries to make the babies as happy as possible, because there life here is very short.

It was also claimed that most Americans were sympathetic (75% of those polled) towards babies who contracted the virus….. But only 23% of those polled had sympathy towards the drug users and homosexuals. These folks have a disease, a mental disorder and so many people turn their backs on them. They aren’t even spared their dignity.

I’d love to know what ended up happening to those struggling.. I would also like to know if any of the children survived to adulthood or are even alive today.

Their story didn’t end after filming this documentary…. I’m certain many died alone and begrudged of their dignity as their life started to wind down and wrap up..That bothers me. It really does. This came out in 1988. It was on 48 Hours.