Thought – Nelson Sullivan Visits Atlanta

Mon May 10, 2021 13:49 — I have been reading through my thought journal from May of 2019. I love doing that, especially when I’m depressed. I’m not sure why that is, but I love looking to see what I was doing, thinking and feeling at any given point in my life.

Anyway, I had watched a Nelson Sullivan video and made some comments in my thought journal. I just read some of the newest comments and someone mentioned that someone should make a documentary or Netflix series about his life…. I’m sure there are people out there that could make it happen.. Someone also mentioned that someone in the UK made a documentary in the 90’s about Nelson Sullivan.. It’s called “Nelson Sullivan – World of Wonder”

Type: Thought

Mood: Bothered, Sad 0

URL 2:

Date Added: May 8, 2019

Time Added: 21:17

Description: I was watching a video that Nelson Sullivan did on YouTube. I have seen it before… He was visiting his friends in Atlanta and really seemed to be enjoying himself. The video showed him maneuvering his way through the plane and out into the airport. There were hardly any people in the airport when he got off. It must have been very late bc the time on the luggage carasoul said 1.. didn’t say an or pm but it looked dark outside at one point.

The video was shot in Feb 1989.. In 5 more short months he would be dead.. gone forever. It really bothered me today for some reason. He was all about recording and documenting his life.

I watched another video where he said rupaul helped him get into drag… she was,in the video a couple of times. I remember hearing an excerpt of her podcast where someone asked her about Nelson Sullivan… she spoke kindly of him. She stayed in his bedroom after he died for almost 2 years.. She said it didn’t bother her after someone asked her about it.

Life is so so sad. It’s hot in the upstairs oney office. Thank God it’s cool downstairs though. Weather: Hot, Nighttime Location: 175 Oney Ave, Huntington, WV 25705, USA Attachments – Post 9817: Yes Conversation?: No