I Just Read “Hackers stole $13,103.91 from me. Learn from my mistakes.”

Could you imagine waking up to your checking or savings account being wiped out? How would you pay your bills? Rent and utilities will still be due.

Just one mistake could lead down a long path of financial ruin. Take the advice of this article writer and lock your accounts up the right way. It can save you hours and hours of time, not to mention the money you could lose by not doing so.

It’s really scary, when you think about it, how vulnerable we all are to these kinds of criminals. I thought it was interesting that the bank told him, when he asked about what happened and wanted details, that they were the victim not him.. So they would not give him details on who did it, etc. You don’t often hear what happens to the people who perform these acts, or if they ever get caught. Anyway, the article is below.

Hackers stole $13,103.91 from me. Learn from my mistakes.

Uncovering and explaining how our digital world is changing – and changing us. It began with dumplings. When I got an email at midnight last March from Grubhub notifying me that my order from Dumpling Depot was on its way to an address 3,000 miles away from my location in New York City, I thought there must have been some mistake.