I Just Watched “Behind the Music 1994 (2001)”

I just watched “Behind the Music 1994 (2001)” According to this documentary, Grunge (alternative music) stopped being popular in 1994 after Kurt Cobain died. I was working for Mr. Thomas that year, starting in the summer. Gosh, those were the days. I was living with Nanny and Papa Pierce still. I would be there another four years. I moved into the West Virginia building in the spring of 1998.. It makes me sad thinking about it.

Curt Cobain suffered from depression and said in his suicide note that he loved people too much, that there is good in everyone and he had so much empathy for people it made it difficult for him to carry on. A few months before he died, he took 40-50 prescription pills and fell unconscious… Courtney Love found him.

Grunge was replaced by Hip Hop, which was a lot less dark and depressing than Grunge, or alternative music was at the time. It was uplifting for the most part. I remember listening to PM Dawn, Biggie Smalls, Tupac and several others…

Wow. 1994, almost 30 years ago. Where has my life gone?
