I just watched “If You Only Knew: Nick Lachey” on YouTube

I just watched “If You Only Knew: Nick Lachey” on YouTube

I thought it was neat when he was asked what’s the biggest risk he ever took.. and it was when he drove to Los Angeles and has LeBaron.. He struggled for a while and did not know what to expect once he got there. he said that he could always go back to school, etc that he knew that making a band was a one-time deal kind of thing. he did not go into a lot of detail.. But it’s still interesting. You just never know when that breaking point is going to be, do you?

Source: Youtube

URL: https://youtu.be/JqHgFCVwC_4

Category: Celebrity
Type: Video
Date Added: February 11, 2020 14:46
Mood: Sad
Weather: Overcast, Cold
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