I Just Watched”Come Fly With Me – The Story of Pan Am” on YouTube

I always loved Pan Am, I hated it when they shut down in the 90’s. I remember sitting in the airport waiting area while a Pan Am Boeing 747 was waiting to whisk myself and my family to Germany.. I was in utter awe. My love and fascination with aviation and all things transportation started with Pan Am.

This documentary came out in 2011 and was narrated by Honor Blackman, who died last year at age 94. It’s pretty neat that her work is still entertaining and educating people long after she passed..

I loved the detail of the luxurious accommodations that Pan Am provided to its passengers. It was quite a big deal to fly in the early days… It was even a big deal when i was a kid… When I’d visit my hometown in WV, I was the odd ball who had flown several times overseas. It wasn’t because my parents were wealthy, quite the opposite. Like so many young parents, they joined the military and went to school so we could have a better life.

Anyway, I learned a lot watching this. I didn’t know there was an aviation museum in Miami… I’m definitely adding that to my bucket list of places to visit.