Is Turo Worth the Hassle?

Everyone knows you can earn extra money by renting out rooms or an investment property you own on AirBnB.. but can you rent out your car? Is it worth it? The answer us Yes, you can rent it out, but whether it’s worth it to you or not is another story…

If you ever thought about a renting your car out, this is a good video to watch. He’s involved in a lot of different investments, businesses and generously shares his experiences with Turo, a popular app to put your car out on the rental market..

… Unless your goal is to go big (think economies of scale) it may or not be worth it to you… This video gives a lot of insight on what to expect, especially how much time is involved.. As we all know, there is an opportunity cost to our time… If we aren’t careful we end up jumping over dollars to pick up nickles and pennies… It’s a fine line noone wants to cross.

Videos like this really help identify that line… and get as close to it as possible. You just have to keep in mind though, that because one person failed does not mean you will as well…. There are a many variables…

I love YouTube, it makes it easy to find people with a similar temperament and investment style to yourself….. Video provides insight you can never get with the written word…