old House on Morris Street

Description:old House on Morris Street


Eric sent me a screenshot of a post on Facebook where the house we lived in on Morris street is for sale…. it didn’t show pictures of the inside. Gosh, it’s been 30 years now…. it looks terrible, used to be such a pretty house.

I remember going to the basement and pacing, just walking around thinking about life. I did the same thing in the bottom of the garage apartment. I still enjoy going off alone and just pacing… I didn’t realize I did that until Avonn said something when he was younger… He said "Johnny, are we pacing?" after I was walking round and round the fireplace while he followed me. He was very young then. Noone had really brought it to my attention that I did that until then… I even did it in Berlin. I’d go down to the basement of our apartment buiding to be by myself and just think. I have since come to think of it as my unique form of meditation…

Anyway, I was going to send the picture to Ashley and tell her that this is the house that she was brought home to when she was born. Gosh, I remember that… time flies. I wouldn’t want to go back though..

Source: Text


Category: Personal
Type: Other
Screenshot_2019-07-12-09-18-03.png, Screenshot_2019-07-12-09-17-39.png

I wish the temperature would stay like this all day… it’s not miserably hot.
Date Added: July 12, 2019 09:32

Mood: Bothered
175 Oney Ave, Huntington, WV 25705, USA
Weather: Sunny, Warm