The mysterious case of missing couple found dead in Belize

The mysterious case of missing couple found dead in Belize
this is from a couple of years ago… but it’s a news story about murders in belize.. Apparently Belize has one of the top murder rates in the world. Bob and me went with Tammie Tammy Hager there. I didn’t feel safe, but thank God we were with a tour group from the cruise. Gosh, that was in 2003.. I have no desire to visit any of the Caribbean countries..

The couple owned separate houses in Belize, one was from Canada and the other from the US. They were in a romantic relationship and were headed to their respective home countries when this happened. Very scary stuff.

Source: Youtube


Category: Travel
Type: Video
Date Added: July 6, 2019 11:43
Mood: Bothered
Weather: Sunny, Hot