Trust Yourself – Be A Boss

For starters,   NEVER allow someone to  put you down, disrespect your boundaries or overtalk your opinions. This applies  no matter the mistakes you think you’ve made or even where you think you may be on the pyramid of life. Not a soul is better than you. They may have more money, success, education,  looks or just whatever.. but no one is any better. None of us get out of here alive anyway..

People use many things to put you in your place.. or at least the place they think you should be.   They do this by attacking you in any way they can.  Many times it’s done  en mass by attacking an entire group of people you may be perceived as being part of.  But the message is always lound and clear on what they are trying to do.  Sometimes they even attack the way you speak or that you don’t dress “right”.   They will proclaim how smart they are or how they are part of a superior group simply by taking a silly quiz on Facebook. All this is a covert, passive aggressive  attack on you to put you where they think you belong.  It’s only function is to make the attacker feel better about their own shortcomings. Don’t be mad though, have compassion for these people. Have compassion and don’t judge.  But do  keep them as far away from your life as humanly possible.  At least until you see a balanced change.  But by then it may be too late,  right?   Remove them from your life  for your mental health.  Never feel guilty or apologize for doing what is best for you.  Do this and help tip the entire world into love,  understanding and compassion.  Do this and you will never be percieved as endorsing their negative, distructive behaviour.


As for me, some people mistakingly  view my compassionate, friendly, welcoming,   understanding and open nature as a weakness to exploit.

The thing is though,  if they deal with me long enough they quickly learn I have no problem terminating a relationship;  whether business or personal, if I’m not happy at least 50% of the time.. and yes  it may be percieved as without warning.  Yes it will be  without apologies and regrets.. Why?  because I  think  everything I do or say through very carefully. And you should do the same.

Unfortunately though, for them,  as a couple found  out today… I have no room for any kind of non-constructive negativiity in my personal or business life.  Everything can’t be a bed of roses,  I get it.. but I expect that if you are in my life (in whatever way) that you know your place in it and  contribute to my well being or happiness at least most of the time..  If not,  you have to go.  Relationships take work to maintain and exist on a two way street.   If i’m doing most of  the work and making most of the compromises,  it’s probably not going to work out in the long run.  It may sound harsh,  but it’s the way I live my life.

Now let’s get back to my terminating a couple of my relationships today (business).  By the way,  it’s possible (I do it without hesitation if warranted) to even terminate a client or customer of yours… remember the two way street?  It works the same way in business.  Anyway, was it really without warning though? Pay close attention to what’s going on around you. We are all being given feedback on our lives everywhere we look. Sometimes though in order to hear the feedback we’re given,  we have to tune into the frequency the feedback is on.

We only get one go around on this planet.. at least in the current meat suit we all are  living in at this very moment. Why can’t we  all make the best of our time here  and at least  TRY  not to be douche bags… at least TRY not to be negative …. at least TRY not to put people beneath where we think we are.   You may think that being a bad ass is the way to go…..  You may think being a bad ass is  the way to get what you want in life. But is it?   It’s not.  It’s also not sexy,  attractive and it certainly will  NOT  get you what you want out of  life…

There is a time and place for everything.  It’s your job to know the time and know the place.  Contrary to what many may think,  being a douche bag by talking down, disrespecting, using and abusing people actually repels what you are trying to accomplish or receive from life…   Everything is a gift, noone really owes you anything.    It’s really just the physics of life and the Universe in operation…  You can’t argue with that, now can you?