Trying Out T-Mobile Home Internet Part 1

I love T-Mobile. I have them for mobile service and it’s the best service I’ve had in the 20+ years I’ve had a cell phone… The screenshot below displays the speeds I’m getting with 5G on my Galaxy Note 20.

I’ve been growing quite tired of Comcast’s never ending, increasing and oppressive fees… so when I saw an ad for T-Mobile Home Internet, I jumped in the prospect and decided to look into it…

So I ordered T-Mobile Home Internet for $50 a month all inclusive to try it out before I pull the plug on Comcast…… It will save thousands per year…I’m now paying more than double for what I once paid for business class service with them… Penny Saved, Penny Earned.

If you do any TTL/Port forwarding though… i.e using a Plex Server… this wouldn’t be right for you….But even still, there are a lot of work arounds if you want to self host things… As expensive as Comcast has gotten, I’d rather buy another high end server that I control and co-locate in Columbus…and also be able to use it for other things.. That’s how ridiculous it’s gotten…

I’m going to give it 30 days… since I work from home exclusively, I need reliability…

If interested, this guy on YouTube gives a good review of T-Mobile home internet – His kids are gamers…. so they use a lot of bandwidth.. they never had issues… He went over 1 TB and there were no additional charges… You can watch it below…

Anyway, I have high hopes… I’d much rather be able to choose myself what channels I want via streaming and not be forced into things…If anyone wants to reach out with questions… I’ve done a lot of research on it… So ask away… I’m a nice guy.

If you want to see how it turns out, subscribe to my blog and I’ll keep you updated.