Watch “OJ Simpson joins Twitter, says he has ‘getting even to do'” on YouTube

This is the 25th anniversary of when this happened. I was thinking and rewinding back to the summer of 1994.

I was working at Mr. Thomas’s on 10th Ave. He’d always go to bed about 730pm and I’d pace, looking out the front door watching the people across the street (who were my age) live their lives. They seemed to have a friends which made me more aware that I had none. I was lonely and didn’t have anyone my own age to talk to.

I was driving my Mercedes then and always drove it to work there… I was so proud of that car. It was a financial drain though, I wish I had all the money I blew on that car.

I would get off at midnight.. there was another guy who worked there that was mom’s age. Hed always want to talk when he came in. He always asked if i was going out with friends… I lied to him and said yes. The truth was i had no friends. It would be a another four years before I even haf my own apartment.

Ive seen him a few times through the years but I don’t know if he recognized me. I don’t remember his name.

Anyway, I remember those days… This video reminded me of them. I was do lonely.