Watch “Who Were The Real People Onboard The Titanic? | Waking Titanic | Timeline” on YouTube

This Titanic documentary focuses on the Addergule 14, a group of poverty stricken girls from Ireland. They were headed to America at the urging of a woman who found success in Chicago 20 years earlier. When they arrived on the ship, it was the first time they had ever seen electricity or running water.

They stayed in steerage class but on the Titantic apparently steerage class was like 2nd class on some ships and even first class on some ships.

I can’t even imagine what people aboard the Titantic must have gone through. What were they thinking? Did they know they were going to die? Did they ever have any hope at all? When did they decide to give up?

The cries and screams of people losing their lives must have been horrifying. Life is so sad, isn’t it? It was a re-enactment but when I heard the screams it broke my heart. It’s been over a hundred years now, I’m sure each one of them has finally found their peace.

I heard on another documentary on the Titantic that 60% of the first class passengers survived the disaster. I havnt heard about what percentage of the other classes survived.