I’m Watching “New York City rich and poor — the inequality crisis | DW Documentary” on YouTube

About 15 minutes into this documentary, they interviewed two sisters and their dad. The dad said they wish they wouldn’t flaunt their privilege on social media. He continued by saying “that’s their brand” He used the word brand several times. I thought that was interesting… everything is a brand now.. It’s nauseating to hear it so much..

His daughters were very dismissive and disrespectful of their father…. as he told them he didn’t like what they were posting social media.

Anyway, it’s sad to see the disparity between the haves and the have nots… especially during the crisis.

Another thing that bothered me was a man who said “success is an intersection between hard work and luck” I take it that he perceives people who aren’t wealthy as not working hard enough… abd that’s just not true. There are a lot of people who work hard and still struggle.. They can’t flee to the Hamptons when things get tough.

I’m not saying hard work has nothing to do with success, because it certainly does. But I think luck plays a bigger part in many people’s success than they are willing to admit. Most of the wealthy people in this documentary were white… They got a head start in life for that fact alone.

I hate seeing people suffer. I equally hate arrogant, self righteous Plutocrats who look down at people who don’t have what they have.

In the end, Noone can take wealth with them and Noone escapes this planet alive… So in that regard we are all equal..Bronx,

On a lighter note I saw where a woman is paying $1300 in the South Bronx for a 2 room apartment…